AdviSpace is your trusted platform for professional life & career coaching
AdviSpace is your trusted platform for personal & career development
Unlock your full potential with the guidance and support of a career expert
We will match you with experts in the coaching industry who will help you meet your individual goals and tackle your unique challenges.
Why do we believe that working with a coach is essential nowadays?
People are becoming overwhelmed with the amount of information they consume every day. It affects their attitude, mood, and productivity while causing anxiety which affects mental health and general wellness. For most of us, the pandemic has completely transformed our professional lives and most are struggling to successfully adapt and evolve to meet the demands of the "new normal". You have to make thousands of decisions every single day, live up to someone's expectations (even yours) and always keep on track to succeed in this life. Coaching helps navigate you towards a better path out of your bubble. The skilled coach broadens your outlook and gives another perspective on your current situation. It is not a pill that makes you successful and happy overnight. It is an approach that can help you unleash your full potential and apply it to the areas that can bring you more satisfaction, fulfilment and happiness in your life.
Our mission is
To improve the lives of millions of people by making coaching accessible and transparent for everyone. Finding your best coach is vital for creating a fruitful collaboration. We consider a talent's and coach's interests and individual preferences to achieve the perfect match.
To improve the lives of millions of people by making coaching accessible and transparent for everyone.
Meet our team
One year ago, I worked with a life & career coach for six months. It took me around three weeks to find a coach who fits me and my schedule. My coach helped me overcome the FOMO effect (”fear of missing out”) and imposter syndrome that opened new doors in front of me with endless opportunities. My coach helped me define my strengths to start new initiatives and be consistent in my actions. I believe coaching is beneficial in many perspectives, and it gives you a side view of what is going on in your life and how you can turn it in another direction. Of course, if you are keen to change and open to new things :)
Iana Stupina, Co-founder of AdviSpace
When I finished school I was able to get a job at the giant car company in my city. In the bubble I was living, this was considered as a great success since the jobs there are secure and well-paid. But I just felt unhappy, since I was not passionate about it. After some time of struggle, my mentor who had a different view could finally show me how I could change the direction of my life and career path. This important change ultimately led me to a life where I could finally do things that I love and I'm proud of.
Raphael Feigl, Co-founder of AdviSpace
I relocated to Germany, Munich in 2017. Right after the birth of our first child we have decided to move to Europe, and have spent 1 year preparing. Nowadays I'd say most of this time was wasted on activities that haven't brought value, and we'd better invest it the other way. I wish I had a career coach back then to focus on what is important!.. Hopefully, by making coaching accessible, we will boost many lives and careers.
Sergey Skryabin, Co-founder of AdviSpace
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